San Pedro Medicine Hike

Our medicine walk over majestic mountains is a beautiful and profound experience of self-discovery. Just as when we climb a mountain we gain more perspective, when we walk the mountain with medicine, we gain a vaster and more expansive perspective to see within ourselves.

Sacred Huarango Mountain Hikes & Waterfall Treks

Hikes and power walks are carried out with the purpose of reconnecting the individual with the heartbeat of nature, to make a stronger bond with high-energy places in the valley of longevity.

We use San Pedro medicine during these hikes because it allows us to access states of consciousness in which we can appreciate the beauty of nature, the beauty of the present moment, of been alive breathing and to recognize the importance of caring for the environment and in the same way the importance of being connected to nature.

If you would like to offer something to the spirit of the mountains, these are the things you might consider bringing: White sage, Dessert sage, Incense sticks, Organic tobacco (American spirit), Sweetgrass, Cedar leaf.

Many participants testify about this experience as a “journey of falling in love with life again.” In this ceremony, we face our fears, our limitations, and self-limiting beliefs to befriend them and transcend them. We also empower ourselves with the vision, courage, and strength to transform our lives into a more expansive and beautiful living experience, just like the landscapes we see during the walk.