Diet Before Coming

Before attending a shamanic retreat and working with plant medicines such as Ayahuasca, we highly recommend eating fresh, natural foods and avoiding most meats, fatty food, spicy food, alcohol, and some drugs. Recommendations and will vary online about what you should and should not eat. See our Preparation page for more details.


Diet During the Retreat

Ecuador is one of the most diverse places on earth and offers a large variety of fruits and vegetable.

Every Saturday morning in the valley of Vilcabamba occurs an organic market, where every local farmer can sell their products. There is were we patiently get all our colorful and fresh produce for Casa del Sol. From the garden to the table.

We are very flexible in our kitchen, cooking vegan, vegetarian and carnivore using organic chicken from Vilcabamba and organic eggs from wild chicken of our neighbor.

We respect all diets, always trying to supply all nutrients necessary for the hard physical, energetical and mental work. Depending on the schedule, the diet might change but in general, all our food is light for the system not to be overcharged or heavy.

Our days begin with a green fruity juice and breakfast that provides the necessary energy to go through the day. Lunch at midday and dinner at night, even though there are days you are not going to have lunch at midday or meal at night because of the ceremonies.

We don’t fast but is very important to have an empty stomach when receiving the medicines. During rest days, if you want to go out and explore the town, you still have healthy options for places to eat.

Always remembering that food is the information you give to yourself.

Natalia Lanchi, Master Chef photo

Natalia Lanchi, Master Chef: Natalia is a young woman native of Sacapo, San Pedro de Vilcabamba. She and her family live in a traditional way, growing their food on the mountain and raising their animals. She has worked with us for many years and is already part of our family. With infinite patience and great sweetness, she prepares the food for Casa del Sol.

If you have any questions or special request about food, please don’t hesitate to contact us.