Norma Alvarez

Norma was blessed with the opportunity to receive the knowledge and prayer of the Yopo Medicine from the hands of the legendary Taita Bolivar, from the Piaroa tribe in Venezuela (since ancient times, they have been considered the most devoted guardians of this tradition). Three years ago, at the age of 110 years old, Taita Bolivar embarked on his journey back to the stars. He started drinking Yopo medicine since he was 8 years old, every other day until the day he passed away. It is thought that the Yopo medicine safeguards our connection with the Pleiades, it is like a meteorite that takes your soul in a journey to meet the ascended masters that dwell there. This medicine allows us to travel inside ourselves and connect with the brightest and deepest part of our true essence. It’s a mirror that shows us our ‘blind spots’ in how we conduct ourselves in life and in our relationships in order to heal them and go forward in our path, connecting us with the Love and Kindness that resides inside our hearts so we can manifest in our search to become better human beings. It’s a very introspective, direct and clear experience. It can be a visionary experience and works at a deep level of our consciousness: It’s very loving and profoundly transformational. Rigorous preparation is required beforehand in order to drink this medicine. If you feel called to experience this powerful medicine, let us know so we can share the details with you.